Terms and Conditions

Care. The main condition and acceptance of any booking is that good care is taken of the property and grounds, and the contents therein, and that it is left truly clean and tidy.

Breakages and Damages. However caused, breakages and damage should be reported immediately and paid for by the guest on departure.

Arrival and Departure. Access is available from 4pm on the day of arrival, and we ask that you try not to arrive before this time. Please let us know in advance if you expect to arrive after 7pm. The properties must be vacated by 10am on the day of departure. Some flexibility on departure time may be afforded, particularly for less able visitors, but only by prior arrangement.

Animals. Registered assistance dogs only are welcome. No pets allowed.

Confirmation of Booking. When you are sent confirmation of booking on receipt of the Reservation Form and deposit, you are then fully liable to pay the balance of the cost of the holiday, notwithstanding that this balance is not due for payment until no later than 6 (six) weeks* prior to the agreed arrival date. If balances are not received in full by this date, we reserve the right to cancel the holiday without notice and without refund of deposit.

*30 days prior to arrival date with a Gites de France contract.

Cancellation. We will make best endeavours to re-let where cancellation is notified in writing. Only in the case of a successful re-let can the balance (not the deposit) on the holiday be waived or refunded.

Cancellation Insurance. Because of your responsibilities and liability in the event of cancellation, we cannot stress too strongly the advisability of taking out cancellation insurance in respect of your holiday.

Parking. Please let us know in advance if you are bringing a larger vehicle or more than one vehicle. Larger vehicles, including large disabled vehicles, must not be left outside the gites other than for boarding and discharging. We ask that you park your vehicles with consideration for other visitors and do not obstruct their views from the gites. No caravans or camping are allowed on site.

Conduct. The person booking the holiday is responsible for the conduct of the whole of his/her party during the holiday. In particular, it is expected that the best possible consideration is given to the enjoyment and privacy of other visitors and residents on the property at all times and that excessive noise or disturbance is avoided.

Smoking. There is no smoking allowed in any of the properties  The management kindly request that guests smoke well away from any buildings or communal areas, and that cigarette ash and butts are disposed of carefully and not littered.

Property. All property belonging to visitors is at the risk of the owner of such property including, but not limited to, any car or its contents.

Maximum Occupancy. The maximum number of persons occupying the cottages must NOT exceed the standard occupancy stated or otherwise agreed in writing. Sometimes it may be possible to accommodate an extra person, and in such cases an additional charge will be payable by arrangement.

Safety. To preserve the natural features of the property, the grounds are not fenced on all borders and guests are asked to take responsibility for sensible behaviour of members of their party. Care should be taken as there are some steep drops with only hedgerows for screening. Any children, in particular, must be fully supervised. The swimming pool is alarmed. Guests will be given a magnetic fob to disarm the system before entering the pool. The system self-arms after a short period of non-use. Again, despite these precautions, guests must ensure constant adult supervision of any children using the pool and ensure sensible behaviour both in the pool and its surrounds and indeed anywhere on the property. The provision of a pool alarm is not a subsitute for parental or adult supervision, which is essential at all times.

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